WEA Election held on Wednesday, April 13th.
President: Gerry Skinder, WHS
Vice-President: Sheryl Norris, Vinson-Owen
Secretary: Grace Tripp, McCall
Treasurer: Sue Flood, WHS
Admin. Assistant Steward: Tricia Guarino, all Elemetary Schools
Teaching Assistant Steward: Lorrie Ford, Lynch
MTA Delegates: 12
Elected: Gerry Skinder, Erika Guckenberger, Charlie Kacamborus, Jen Kelley, Katherine Dwyer, Carren Webber, Mary Bergeron, Irene Diamond, Becky Reyelt, Grace Tripp
Elected write-ins with 2 votes: Chris Kurhajetz, Ipshita Chakladar
Successor delegates with 1 write in vote: Susie Petrov, Sue Flood, Melanie Johnson, Kathy Wile, Michelle Garciano, Jessica Held, Sue Costello, Jack Burke, Lynn King, Marisa Derrouche, DJ Prowell, Sandy Mangoogian, Nancy Smith, Judy Johnson, Linda Pickering
NEA Delegates: 2
Sheryl Norris, Erika Guckenberger